Shopping Sustainably in CPG: The Challenge

shopping sustainably

Part of the human condition is the inconsistency between what we say we want to do and what we actually do.  It both makes us who we are, and frustrates parents, partners, policy makers, teachers, coaches, and marketers. This is especially true in matters concerning sustainability. We want a healthy planet, but there are friction points…

Bringing Authenticity to Virtual Research

Prior to the pandemic, we were spoiled by in-store design research that gave us the depth to understand the “whys and hows” and deliver actionable consumer insights to our clients. We know the value and authenticity that being in-store provides, so when the pandemic hit and we needed to innovate, we had very high standards…

Prioritizing Product and Package Life Cycle in CPG

Think about the products in your home and how you use them. What do you do when those items have no other purpose? Or when you have consumed them? A huge challenge in the sustainability space centers around what happens to a product and its package when it reaches the end of its life cycle.  But…

Consumer Intuition Study: Holiday Confections

Holidays are a unique time for shoppers. Habits change for a short time, and consumers tend to feel more empowered to make less socially permissible purchases or to splurge on things they normally would not consider purchasing. Be it Halloween, Valentine's Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, or Fourth of July, expectations change around the major holidays of the year.…

Grinch-free Omnichannel Holiday Shopping

My photo app recently reminded me of Thanksgiving 2020 which featured only my immediate family. Kept apart by pandemic-driven constraints, we made the most of a holiday about togetherness, but my emotional response was to go bigger and better this year given my new-found appreciation for family. Holidays have always been a chance to go over the top, and this year might just take that to another level entirely. My kids’ candy buckets after Halloween certainly…

REAL Recruitment Yields REAL Results

Behind every data point is a person. At REAL Insight, we are committed to providing authenticity and recognize that the data we provide to our clients is only as authentic as the people that we study. Because of this, we put a lot of time and energy into the recruitment process for our clients. REAL…

Data Quality Over Quantity is the REAL Way to Mitigate Risk

The insights industry exists to help businesses make better decisions: the bigger the decision, the more important it is to get right. Historically, the answer has been a large sample quantitative study with the understanding that more people mean less risk.   REAL Insight’s journey into the insights industry is unique. Our long history with in-store intercepts gives us a rare appreciation for authentic…

How to discover the why that even the consumer doesn’t know.

Think about the last five minutes of your day and the specific decisions you made during that time.  Did you take a sip of coffee? Rock in your chair? Read a text? Think through all your actions and behaviors—for how many do you feel you have a clear and rational reason for explaining why you…

Research Reimagined for a New Normal

Luke participated in the Insights Association's Y Conference with his presentation, "General Mills’ Quest for the First Moment of Truth: Novel qual methods to fuel effective innovation frameworks," shared how our partnership with General Mills' In-Context Experimentation team generated quick method pivots that allowed for research to continue through the pandemic. Read a bit about…

I’ve Been Baking

Shortly after stay-at-home went into effect, I—and countless others—decided to take up bread baking. After searching for the “best bread recipe ever,” I followed the instructions the best I could, but the bread never rose: the yeast was expired. I spent weeks on a quest to find a store with yeast in-stock. Soon, my obsession…